

The process of learning has changed over the past two decades. Earlier, information was power; now, picking the right information is power. The alumni of Syndicate Bank Treasury had the benefit of "kind nurturing" by the leaders of that time. We believe that there is currently a need for such kind nurturing. The team wants to contribute to increasing per capita knowledge along with increasing per capita income.

We all know that water is very simple in its original form. However, water is the sharpest tool mankind has ever experienced: it can cut through hard rock mountains, change the course of rivers, and, if properly managed, produce great energy. Hence, water can be as simple as quenching one’s thirst or, when properly managed, create great energy. We would like to be like water. We aim to create a reservoir of knowledge and spread this knowledge for all-around growth.

We intend to SIMPLIFY the FX and Treasury matters and facilitate continuous learning for everyone connected with the global financial markets.

We would like to

  • meet the fundamental needs of the students and beginners
  • the training needs of the practitioners of the markets,
  • facilitate debate and discussion around topics of interest
  • provide thought leadership in developing the markets as well as market participants.

We took a pledge that we will do all these activities without any commercial motive.

Our goal is to “Simplify the Complex FX and Treasury principles” by facilitating knowledge sharing in a lucid manner to every market participant. We would impart training at various levels right from the beginners like students who study FX and Treasury, to the Treasury professionals who participate in markets every day. We will strive to bring industry and academia together to further develop the markets.

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